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来源:2exam.com 2014-10-8 16:55:19

 1. What do both theories assume to be true?

  [ A ] That new material is continually being formed.

  [ B ] That,in time,the universe will contract

  [ C ] That the universe is expanding at present.

  [ D ] That “a big bang” started the expansion.

  2. According to Lemaitre, the separate galaxies formed _______。

  [ A ] during a pause in the expansion of the universe

  [ B ] at the time of the primeval explosion

  [ C ] and will continue to form for ever

  [ D ] when all the matter in the universe was all concentrated in one small mass

  3. What is the basic difference between the two classes of theories?

  [ A ] It concerns the place and time of the formation of matter.

  [ B ] It is whether the universe will continue to expand or not.

  [ C ] It is the current state of the universe.

  [ D ] The variations on evolutionary theories cause the difference.

  4. According to Hoyle and his friends at Cambridge, _______。

  [ A ] the explosion occurred much earlier than Lemaitre suggested

  [ B ] it is hard to see how matter could be formed in this way

  [ C ] the expansion of the universe is not a real one

  [ D ] new material is continually being created

  5. We see distant galaxies as they were long, long ago because _______。

  [ A ] they were closer together then

  [ B ] the universe has always looked as the same

  [ C ] their light takes so long to reach us

  [ D ] they have travelled such a long way





  2.B 【解析】由第一段中的“This primeval atom exploded for...at which time the galaxies formed.”可知。

  3.B 【解析】由第一段最后一句“However,basically,evolutionary theories take it that…has been expanding ever since.”可知,两种理论的根本区别在于对“宇宙是否会继续膨胀?”这一问题的不同看法。

  4.D 【解析】由短文第三段可知,剑桥的Hoyle和他的朋友认为,新物质一直在被创造。

  5.C【解析】由短文第四段中的“Since the very distant galaxies are thou—sands of millions of light years away,then we are seeing them as they were thousands of millions of years a90.”可知。

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